Friday, August 14, 2009

Introducing Myself

My biggest turn-on is soft fluffy furriness. My bed is covered in furs and furry pillows. I sleep snugling with angora sweaters and fur coats between furry blankets rather than sheets. I enjoy orgasming feeling soft fluffiness head to toe, and do it as often as I can (several times a day, if I can). I wear angora, mohair, or cashmere sweaters with fleecy sweat pants and fleece-lined Ugg-style boots almost all the time, everywhere except at my office. While I prefer turtlenecks and long sleeves, and the coolness to be able to enjoy them, even on hot summer days I still stay fluffy by wearing sleeveless V-neck fuzzy sweaters. The angora sweaters I wear happen to be women's clothing (because almost all angora is made for women, and the very little that is made for men is very expensive), but I don't care that they are feminine, just that they are soft and fluffy.

Here are 2 examples of what would be my ultimate turn-on fur outfits!  Unfortunately, so far I can not afford them!   
Of course, to turn me on, they would have to be fur on the inside as well as the outside, which would make them at least twice as expensive!  Obviously, the desire to be in one of these, is a very particular taste!  Not a fur fashion taste, but a passion to be totally engulfed head to foot if furry softness!  My fantasy is for my partner to be wearing one of those outfits and me being totally naked, and we are embracing in bed, with them rubbing their furryness all over me and me rubbing all over their furryness.  The bed engulfs us with fur blankets below and above us, so all I can feel, from head to foot, is soft fluffy fur, even though I am naked.  But rather than being alone in the furry bed as I am now, I have a totally furry, passionately, tenderly loving partner snuggling in the furs with me!  Then later, I take my turn enjoying being IN the fur-lined fur suit while my naked partner snuggles with me!  And we take turns back and forth, over and over, being in the fur suit and snuggling together!  The reason for one of us being naked, is that fur feels most sumptuous when it is rubbing gently against the bare skin.  If we were both in the fur suits simultaneously, we could not feel each other's furry rubbing nearly as well.

I also love long hair. I've grown mine as long as it would grow; nearly to my waist. I prefer to see very long hair hanging below the waist, but I do not expect the other person to have long hair, just to accept mine, and that I will enjoy looking at long hair on others when I see it.

Besides my fuzzy fetish, here are some other important aspects of my personality. I am intelligent, sensitive, honest and sincere. I am very idealistic: pacifist/non-violent, environmentalist, non-sexist, non-racist, non-agist, non-jealous, not into looksism.  (As proof of being non-agist, the ages of people I've dated in the last few years ranges from their early 20s to their late 70s.) I like good, healthy, clean living: healthy food, no drugs, no smoking, no alcohol, ONLY SAFE sex. Although I am not athletic, I love long walks. My main interest is personal sharing and getting to know people deeply, honestly and intimately. Not into non-intimate pastimes like games, sports, TV, etc. I like movies with "heart", meaning, an uplifting message; no violence. I like comedy and humor, but no jokes that are aimed to be at anybody's expense. I like LOTS of sex, but only in the context of relationships where we know each other well and care deeply about each other. I don't pay attention to gender; I just like universally human qualities, like honesty, integrity, and most especially, cuddly affectionateness. I don't believe in exclusivity, nor jealousy, just deep caring and honesty.

Cuddly affectionateness is the most important thing to me. I love affectionately holding and cuddling and kissing and caressing! I like to cuddle and be affectionate all the time everywhere, as much as we can, not just in bed.  I love cuddly sexual relationships! I love affectionately holding and cuddling and kissing and caressing each other all over head to toe until we orgasm! (as often as we can!) But before, during, and after, we continue cuddling. I love to express and enhance the feeling of cuddlyness by wearing soft fluffy furry angora sweaters and furs. 

I was 11 when I discovered my strong attraction to fuzzies. But there were no soft furry fluffy items in my household, not even a soft blanket! (We had only scratchy army blankets!) I did not get to hold or touch, much less wear, a fuzzy sweater (nor any other soft fuzzy item) until I was old enough to earn the money, drive myself to the store alone, and buy myself some. I could only look at them longingly, being worn by girls in school who definitely did NOT want me touching them. And even when I did buy myself fuzzies, of course, I could not afford angora or fur back then. No angora or fur were available for men, anyway! I had mohair. A men's mohair sweater, and a fluffy scarf, that I could wear in public.

I wear fluffyness because it turns me on, and because the softness invites people to stroke it and it encourages them to hug me more deliciously. I also spent most of my life in eager hopeful anticipation, waiting to meet the special person(s) who would say to me that they are so turned on by my fluffyness that they can't keep their hands off it and me. I also looked in vain for people wearing fuzzies that would welcome my enthusiastic interest and not want me to take my hands off of them. It took me 40 long lonely frustrated years of searching and hoping to find other fuzzy lovers around the next bend, until I finally learned that we fuzzy lovers are so few and far between, spread out around the globe, so we can find each other only via the internet.

But more important than just being a sensual turn-on, to me soft fluffyness has great symbolic (even spiritual) meaning. To me it means emotional safety and security, innocence, intimacy, and cuddly affectionateness. Nobody told me that. It has just always meant that to me. And at some level, it must mean something like that, at least a little bit, to many people. You must have heard people talking about having "warm and fuzzy" feelings. That is why it turns me on! Because to me that is not just a cliche saying. That is what soft fluffyness literally means to me!

[To understand where the phrase feeling "warm and fuzzy" came from, please see my blog post titled "Warm Fuzzy Tale".]


  1. it's almost scary... the way you describe yourself is the way i am... i wonder if we were separated at birth?? lol

  2. Love big soft fluffy cowl collars... nuzzling into layers of them as we kiss... muffled moans of pleasure..... oooooohhhhhh my fondest dream...

  3. wow, 3 and a half years later and I'm finally seeing your lovely comments! I'd love to get to know you! I sure hope blogger sends you a notification of this message!
