Friday, August 14, 2009

Here is the dream I had at age 11 that started my lifelong long-hair and fuzzyness fetish!


[This is the dream I had at age 11 (the wet-dream that began my puberty) that started my lifelong long-hair and fuzzyness fetish! (This was the only wet-dream I ever remember having!) The dream is not a fuzzy fantasy. It does not involve fuzzy sweaters or furs at all. In fact, the dream was a terrifying nightmare about a scary adventure, and only the later part involves long hair, but it was the final climax of the dream, in which I am surrounded head-to-toe in soft fluffyness, that brought on my first orgasm and led to my being totally attracted to fuzzyness the rest of my life.]

I dreamed I was a space explorer, on a solo mission exploring an uncharted sector of the galaxy in my one-man space ship. I noticed with interest that the star-system I was approaching had an earthlike planet with an atmosphere. As I started to enter orbit around the planet, my ship was hit by some kind of high-speed object. I did not know whether it was a chance hit by a tiny meteor or an intentional hit by a defense missile from the planet. Luckily for me, the ship was not totally destroyed. My cabin and life support systems were intact. Only the main engines and the radio were disabled, and I was knocked out of orbit and into the atmosphere, but I was able to manually maneuver to a survivable crash landing.

Once on the ground, I noticed my ship's oxygen recycling system had been destroyed in the crash landing, and with the radio out I could not call for help, so although I had survived the hit in orbit and the crash landing, the ship would still soon be my coffin if the planet's atmosphere does not contain sufficient oxygen. I was again lucky that my ship's atmosphere testing instruments still worked, and they showed that the atmosphere did contain sufficient oxygen. If it had not, I would have been a gonner! So for a moment, I breathed a little easier, but at the same time I was still worried, knowing that I just had to hope the atmosphere did not contain anything toxic that my sensors could not detect.

Next, I checked and found that the ship's water and food recycling systems were also destroyed, and I had no food or water. So then I knew my survival depended on being able to find food and water on the planet outside.

Knowing I needed to open the hatch and exit the ship to survive, but not knowing what dangers might be waiting right outside the door, I tried checking the video view screen to see what was outside, but the view screen no longer worked. I was frozen in terror. When I open the door, would I immediately be gobbled up by some man-eating creature? Or be shot dead on sight by defending soldiers who saw me as an invader rather than a friendly visitor? Or maybe there will be nothing out there, no life on the planet and no water, so I may still starve to death! And what if it is freezing cold or roasting hot out there? The ship's temperature sensors were not working and the temperature control system for my space suit was also destroyed. So I waited inside the disabled ship in my fear, until I knew I just had to open the door or die then inside because my air was running out.

As I opened the hatch, I was relieved that the air was fresh and the temperature felt comfortable. But the landscape looked totally barren. There was no visible life and no water in sight! To calm my panic, I had to remind myself that there were some desert areas on earth that look just like this. So I would just have to wander around out there and search and hope I find some water and life. At least I would have a fascinating exploring adventure of discovery for as long as I would manage to live.

I wandered for days, finding nothing but barren lifeless moonlike landscape. I finally exerted what felt like the last of my waning energy by climbing to the top of the tallest hill I could find, so I could see as far as possible into the distance in all directions. From the top, I saw that the horizon in one direction seemed to look darker and somehow different from everything else I saw. But it was so far away that I could not tell what it was. I would just have to hope that it is some kind of sign of life and walk to it to find out. Re-energized by my hope, I set off toward it, and I just hoped that my strength would hold out long enough so I could manage to make it there.

When I finally got close enough to see, I recognized that it was in fact life! A forest! I ran to it with energy I did not know I had left. When I got there, though, caution took over again. Would there be man-eating creatures in there? Or even man-eating plants? I was so hungry and thirsty, but was anything there safe to eat or drink or was it all poisonous? How could I ever tell which things are safe? Everything looked and smelled different from anything on earth.

I decided that I would search for animals, and if I found any, I would watch what they eat and drink. Then I would just have to hope that those things were not poisonous to me. Not seeing any animals, I just stood quietly and listened. All I heard was silence nearly as deep as that in the desert. Only the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. As far as I wandered in the forest, it was all the same. No sign or sound of animals and no recognizable edible plants.

As I continued wandering, becoming hopeless of finding any animals, I started wondering how I should decide which plant to try tasting first. Nothing smelled or looked in the least appetizing. I would just have to try my luck. I would either find something edible and survive, or I would die a possibly agonizing poisonous death. But if I did not try something soon, I would surely die of starvation and thirst.

As I stood there silently gazing at all the plants around me, bewildered, I suddenly couldn't believe my ears! I heard a sound! But not just any sound! Not the rustle of a small animal scurrying in the underbrush nor the thump of a giant animal walking. Not a growl nor a howl nor a hiss nor the call of a bird! But voices! Ever so faint, far, far in the distance. But I could almost swear it sounded like voices!

Just as I had when I first saw the forest, my energy again surged out of nowhere, and I ran as fast as I could toward the direction where I thought I heard the voices. As I got closer, I slowed and approached more cautiously and quietly, stopping frequently to listen intently to make sure I was proceeding in the right direction and to see what I could learn from what I heard. Before I was close enough to distinguish any words, I could tell that they were girls' voices. Then I approached even more cautiously, because I did not want to frighten them away and be left all alone again. When I got close enough to make out the words, I quietly hid behind a tree and listened in amazement. I could understand them! They were speaking English!

I could just barely see them through the leaves of the undergrowth when I peered around the tree trunk. There were six of them. They were in a small clearing next to a small stream (the first water I had seen on the planet). It looked like they were picnicking, and some were skinny dipping in the stream. Listening to their conversation, I gathered that they were friends out on a day's frolicking outing in the woods and they lived in a city on the other side of the forest.

They were all naked, but that was not particularly surprising to me since they were skinny dipping. But then I noticed that I did not see any clothes lying around. And one girl had a backpack on her naked back. It then finally occurred to me that they just might not wear clothes, as is true for many tribes back on earth.

They all had long hair, about waist-length. I noticed that their long hair was quite attractive to me, even while their naked bodies did not interest me at all.

Finally, I felt safe enough, and slowly, so as not to startle them, I came out from behind the tree and slowly began to walk toward them. I called out to them in as friendly a voice as I could manage in my hungry-thirsty exhaustion. "Hello! Can you help me? I am lost. I have been walking for days with nothing to eat or drink. I am friendly and mean you no harm. Can you please help me?"

To my surprise, they looked up at me with looks of mortal terror on their faces! They said, "Oh no! I can't believe what I'm seeing! It's one of them! What do we do now?! We have only heard of them in ancient history books and legends. We were told our planet has been rid of them for centuries. We never expected to have to actually see one in our lifetime! What should we do?!"

I said pleadingly, "No, please don't be afraid of me. I mean no harm! I am friendly! I just want to be friends and I need your help because I'm starving."

It quickly became apparent that they did not understand a word I was saying. They continued franticly, "What should we do now? We've been told they are terribly dangerous. That they try to invade us and conquer us and torture us and subjugate us and make us into slaves. We were told we would be able to recognize them because they have short-cut hair and they cover their bodies with cloth, and the most dangerous ones cover their bodies in metal. It must be one of them! It must be a male! And it must be a really dangerous one, because his body is covered in metallic cloth! But they told us they were bigger and taller and stronger than we are. This one looks weak and is no taller than we are. He must be just a scout. We must catch him and keep him from going back and bringing the big ones!"

With that, they all rushed at me and tackled me and piled on top of me. They laid me out spread-eagled on the ground, face up. One each sat on each of my arms and legs and one sat on my belly. I was thoroughly pinned down. One of them said, "Okay, now we have him securely pinned down so he can't harm us at the moment. But what do we do with him now? We can't just sit on him forever!"

Again, I cried pleadingly. "Please! You don't have to be scared of me! I'm friendly! Please just help me! I'm starving!" But they still could not understand what I was saying. It was like they couldn't even hear me, not even my crying pleading tone of voice. It also seemed like they did not know I could understand them. They never spoke to me. Just to each other.

Again they said, "So what should we do with him? We have never been trained what to do in a situation like this. There has never even been a situation like this in our lifetime, nor for many generations! All we have ever known is peacefulness and loving and joy. Our planet's whole society is set up for peaceful loving interactions. We have only heard of violence and danger from ancient history books and legends that we never believed were really true! Scary legends about ancient times when there supposedly used to be dangerous violent males among us on our planet." "I never believed those legends." "I didn't either." "I never even read any of those books. I never wanted to!"

"But now we are actually sitting on one! What should we do?! We can't just sit on him here forever!"

"We should take him to the Imperial Palace. Only the Empress can decide what to do with him. Only she is wise enough to figure out what to do about this kind of unthinkable unheard-of situation." "Yes, of course!" "Great idea!" But how do we make him go there with us? How do we make sure he does not get away from us and run back to the big ones as soon as we stop sitting on him?"

The sixth one, the only one who was not sitting on me, said, "I've studied the ancient legends very carefully. It's a big hobby of mine, but I never told any of you before, because I was afraid nobody would like me if they knew I was interested in that stuff. So anyway, I know what people used to do in these kinds of situations. We should tie him up with ropes. Tie his hands behind his back so he can't harm us, and tie his feet together so he can't run away."

"But if we tie his feet, he not only wouldn't be able to run away, but he won't be able to walk back to the palace with us either. We would have to carry him! I don't want to carry him!" "I don't either! How can we make sure he walks with us and doesn't run away?" "If we just tie him to us with ropes, that can make sure he doesn't run away, but he could also refuse to walk and still keep us from taking him to the palace unless we carry him. And he could try to find some way to hurt us, even though his hands are tied. He could try to kick us or trip us. How do we make him cooperate and walk with us?" "And what if there are others? Bigger ones!?"

"Okay, I have an idea from the most ancient legends. There used to be things people carried around with them that we don't even know about any more. Things that nobody has even thought about or wanted, much less actually had or used, since our peaceful society began many generations ago. These things were generically called 'weapons', and I know you're not going to believe this, because I can't believe it myself, it's just too crazy to even think about, but these things called weapons existed specifically so people could hurt each other! Even kill each other! When people wanted to control what other people did, they would threaten to use their weapons to hurt or kill the people they wanted to control. So now we need weapons to control him! Most weapons were complicated things that were hard to make and hard to learn how to use. So even if there were any around, we wouldn't be able to use them. But the most ancient weapons were simple to make and simple to use. They were just sticks with sharp pointy ends. They were called spears. Now I know this is going to sound super gross, but people would hurt or kill each other with the spears by sticking the pointy ends into them. The point would pierce through the skin and stick inside! The pointy ends were made by whittling the ends into points with their whittling knives. And they even used to have knives with pointy ends too!, not like our whittling knives that have blunt rounded safety ends and are just sharp on one side, just to whittle with. So, I'll go gather six long sticks while you keep sitting on him. When I bring the sticks back, we can whittle sharp points on them and make them into spears. Then, we'll point the spears at him and hold the points against his skin from all sides. The spears will be long enough that he will not be able to reach us to kick or trip us. If he tries to run away or tries to hurt any of us, the spear points will stick into him and kill him."

"That's a really gross but brilliant idea! I think it really can work! Go gather the sticks."

So that is what they did, sitting on me all the while that they whittled the points on the spears. When they finished the spears, the one who was standing pointed her spear into my neck to hold me there while the others got up off me.

Then they all pointed their spears at me as I lay there. They took my space suit off me, because they did not want it to protect me from their spears and they did not know if I had anything in it that I could harm them with. They said they would bring my suit back to the city and give it to the scholars to study. As I stood up, they kept their spear points pressed against the skin of my belly. When I was standing, they spread out all around me, each poking their spear point into my midriff gently but menacingly from 6 different directions. They definitely had me in a position where I had to walk with them. They did, at least, let me kneel down and drink from the stream as we crossed it. I forgot about my hunger, though, and was able to walk on despite it, because of all the terror-induced adrenaline coursing through my veins. With spear points poking at my skin, hunger just didn’t mean nearly as much.

As we walked back through the woods to the city, I no longer even tried to talk to them, knowing it would be useless, because they could not hear me. Instead, I wanted to listen to their conversation to learn as much as I could about them, but they said very little.

As we approached the city, though, I did learn, from seeing other people along the way, that in their society, in fact, nobody wore any clothes. And they were all, in fact, females. I also noticed, to my growing joy, that the hair on the grownup women was even longer than on these girls. Most women's hair hung down to their knees or below! I was enthralled!

When we finally got to the Imperial Palace, and they knocked on the giant door, it reminded me of the scene at the door of the Emerald Palace in “The Wizard of Oz.” When someone finally answered the door, the girls said "We need to see the Empress immediately! It's an emergency! We found a MALE lurking in the woods, and we brought him back here with us! The Empress must figure out what to do with him!"

The lady that answered the door said, "Oh dear, we do have a bit of a problem. You see, the Empress is away on vacation and will not be back for three weeks."

"Oh, NO!!!! She can't be gone for three weeks! What are we supposed to do with him until she gets back?"

"Well, I guess you'd better come on in and find somewhere here in the Palace to keep him safely and securely out of trouble until she gets back."

"But where can we do that? According to the history books and legends, in the ancient times there were dungeons and prison cells where dangerous people could be locked up. But in our peaceful society there are not even any lockable doors anymore! Not even in this Palace! We only waited outside for you to answer the door due to custom and etiquette. Where can we put him so we don't have to keep guarding him with these spears? We can't just stand around guarding him for the next three weeks! We have classes that we have to attend, and we have important fun things planned that we have to do with our lives, too."

"Maybe we should just run him through with our spears right now, so we won't have to worry about him any more!"

"No! We can't do that! That would make us as bad as them!"

“Oh no, we couldn’t have you doing anything like that!” the lady at the door said. "Just bring him in, girls, and I will show you a place where he can he kept securely." As she led us through the halls of the Palace, she tried to explain to the girls why there is a place in the Palace where I could be kept safely that they did not know about.

"As you know, in our society, we revere our hair as sacred. Not only do we never cut our hair, but we do not ever throw away the hair that comes off in our combs. We save it and use it to make blankets or stuff pillows or whatever."

"As you also know, our social status is shown by how long our hair grows. Thus, the Noble women that live here in the Palace have the longest hair of all."

To my delight, I was able to observe the truth of what she was saying. The women in the Palace had hair so long that it dragged on the floor behind them as they walked down the halls! I adored seeing them! And I could hardly wait to see how long the Empress’s hair was! If hair length reflects social status in this society, then just imagine long HER hair must be!

The lady continued explaining, “Well here in the Palace, we don’t even use the loose hairs from our combs to make things. By long-standing tradition, we just collect it, and have been collecting it for centuries. And since our royal hair grows faster than anyone else’s, we have even more to collect.”

“So where do you collect all this hair?”

“Right in there!” she said pointing into a large alcove (a room 4 meters square and equally high with no separating wall) that opened off the side of the hallway. Filling the alcove, was a giant spherical cloth bag (looking a little bit like a giant version of Santa’s toy bag), at least 3 meters in diameter, cinched closed at the top with a cord. “All the loose hair from the combs of everyone who has ever lived in the Palace is in that bag. And, of course, the bag and the cord are themselves woven from hair. As the bag fills up over the years, we have to weave more on to it to keep holding all the hair.”

“Well, this is all very interesting, but when are you going to show us where to put him, to keep him securely, so we wouldn’t have to keep guarding him?”

“That is what I’m showing you now. You can keep him secured by putting him in that giant bag of hair. The bag is made of a very strong material (stronger than denim but softer than cashmere) that he could never tear nor scratch through. To climb up there to put him in, you can use that ladder that is kept next to the bag to allow new hairs to be added to the bag. Let his head stick out so he can breathe, but cinch the top around his neck, not so tight as to choke him, but tightly enough that he can not even get his hand out, much less get his body out. The bag is so full and heavy that he won’t be able to move it, no matter how much he wriggles or tries to jump. He will be floating in so much fluffy hair that his feet will never even be able to touch the floor. Then you can just leave him there and go on with your lives. I’ll keep an eye on him every so often until the Empress returns.”

“What a brilliant idea! Let’s do it!”

As they lowered my naked body into the bag full of fluffy hair, I noticed with delighted surprise how exquisitely soft and fluffy it was! Not at all scratchy or itchy, like human hairs might be, but instead it was total silky softness, just like angora fluff! I was literally floating in a heaven of soft furry fluff! I joyously nuzzled my face into the fluff sticking up around it, coming out of where the bag was cinched around my neck. I waved my arms and legs around in the fluff and felt it gently caress every inch of my body. I wrapped my arms around as much of the fluff as I could grab, and hugged it to me, and ecstatically rubbed it against myself.

Before I was put in the fluffy hair bag, while the girls were still poking me with their spears, I was constantly worrying about what would become of me. Would I survive until the Empress returned? Would anyone let me have anything to eat? And once she did return, would she have me killed or let me live? And if she let me live, would I be welcomed as a guest in their land, or would I be imprisoned or banished back to the wastelands? Could I stand the suspense of my uncertain fate that long?

But after I began blissfully floating engulfed head-to-toe in the bag of fluff, my fears and worries disappeared. I felt so yummy, I didn’t care if the Empress ever came back. I was quite happy to stay right where I was forever! And even if the worst were to happen, and the Empress were to decide to have me killed, well at least I got to experience this for now.

But the people in the Palace gave me good reason to believe the worst would not happen. They did not act afraid of me as the girls had been. They knew that because I was securely cinched in the hair bag I could do them no harm. So they treated me more like an exotic zoo animal, with curiosity and affection. They enjoyed feeding me, just for the fun of it. And as they paraded up and down the hall in front of me (just doing their daily business, of course), with their exquisitely long hair flowing behind them, they seemed to notice and enjoyed seeing how much I enjoyed watching them. Sometimes I would even see one of them give their head a quick little flick as they walked past me, to send a little wave floating enticingly down the length of their long flowing hair. They would also drape their hair over their arms so it would hang like a toga when their arms were outstretched, or wrap it around their bodies like a stole or cape. And it seemed to me that they continued coming up with more creative and alluring ways to wear their hair the longer I was there to watch and enjoy it.

I noticed that the more of their body they wrapped and covered in their fluffy, long flowing hair, the more they turned me on. The ones who were totally naked, with just a long braid trailing behind, did little for me. But the ones totally enveloped in their long flowing fluffy hair, so that little or no skin showed, drove me absolutely wild!

My joy and excitement just grew and grew. I was noticing delicious feelings I had never before even imagined might exist. Until finally, the ecstatic erotic excitement of being totally engulfed head-to-toe in soft fluffyness finally pushed me over the edge, and the dream ended (before the Empress ever got back) by my waking up while having the very first orgasm in my life.

(From that moment on, for the rest of my life, my sexuality has been totally focused on being as totally as possible engulfed, wrapped, caressed, head-to-toe in soft fluffyness. I can appreciate skin and body parts, the naked human form, both female and male, as interesting and enjoyable to see, and to touch when requested, more in the way of appreciating great art. But for me, real orgasmic sexual turn-on comes only from being totally wrapped in and lovingly rubbed with soft fluffy furryness. I now believe that this is all because, in that dream, I was experiencing terror and mortal danger all the time I was seeing the naked girls’ and women’s bodies. While I did feel some excitement at seeing the long hair, that excitement was always overtaken by more fears and dangers. I only felt safety and relaxation and enjoyment and satisfaction after I was safely and securely engulfed in the soft fluff.)

[Explanation of the dream in the context of my real life at the time I had the dream.
I had the dream while I was in the 6th grade. During the summer between the 5th and 6th grades, my family moved from Ohio, where I had grown up since the 1st grade, to Massachusetts. So I litterally felt like a stranger in a strange land. So the dream reflected and elaborated on that feeling. In my 6th grade classroom, the girl sitting in the desk in front of me had waste-length long hair, which I found captivating. And the back of her desk chair was right up against the front of my desk. Although we never became close friends, she was the only girl in the class who did not actively avoid me. I managed to gain her trust enough that she allowed me to play gently and respectfully with her hair on my desk. So she is why the dream was about girls with long hair.]

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